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Available from today


The E.S.C.A.P.E. Box promotes Encouragement, Support, Compassion, Appreciation, Positivity and Empathy. â€‹Give a gift that says you care even when you don't know what to say or how to help. Show your concern for those suffering depression, severe emotional stress, trauma serious medical diagnosis, loss of a loved one, mental / chemical imbalance or physical assault. 

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Image by Tyler Nix


Heart Care Box

This care package is meant for someone suffering from grief due to loss in death.

gift boxes

Coming soon!


Health Care Box

This care package is meant for someone dealing with chronic or terminal illness.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Image by Emma Simpson

gift boxes

Coming soon!


Mental Care Box

This care package is meant for someone dealing with depression or other mental stress issues.


Body Care

This package is meant for someone who has experienced unwanted physical trauma.

Zen Stones
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